Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Congratulations it's a Girl !!

Oz Kids is pleased to have a new member of our family.
This little girl was dumped in a sack by the side of the road in the town of Monze about 80 KM south of Mazabuka Orphanage. This baby girl was taken to hospital and they named her Chipego Pemba which means "Gift" in Tongan. The juvenial inspector of the Monze Social Welfare heard about Chipego and told the staff about Oz Kids. The staff at Monze Hospital came and inspected the orphanage, they were pleased and left Chipego with Oz Kids. All the girls at the orphanage are excited about their baby sister. The boys think she is wonderful but think they need more boys to even up numbers.
To see more photos of Chipego please visit our photo album.